How To Delete Your Account

Its easy to delete your Circle Clicker account (though we are sad to see you go)! Just follow the steps below. However, remember that deleting your account is permanent and once deleted, account information is unrecoverable. All your associated account information including scores and purchased customizations will be lost forever. There will be no refunds provided for purchased customizations.

If you still would like to delete your account, first navigate to the hamburger menu in the upper left hand side of any screen, and then tap the red ‘Delete Account’ link. A warning message will appear asking if you are sure that you want to delete your account. If you are sure, click yes, your account will be deleted and you will be navigated back to the Circle Clicker login screen. Its that easy!

Thanks for playing Circle Clicker!!

Or… Feel free to send us a note to delete some of your data including scores or your entire account!